Numerical model

For both numerical simulations proposed in WP2 (meso-scale, i.e. at the scale of the cavity) and WP3 (glacier scale), we will use the Open Source Finite Element Software for Ice Sheet, Glaciers and Ice Flow Modelling Elmer/Ice.

The objective of the meso-scale modelling is to extend the modelling framework developed in Gagliardini et al. (2007) to overcome three main assumptions made to heuristically derive this law. For this modelling at the meso-scale, the domain represents few meters of ice flowing over a rigid bedrock and the roughness of the bedrock is described by the geometry of the modelled domain itself. The contact between the ice and the bedrock is solved, and the ice bottom surface can detach from the bed to form water filled cavities depending on the imposed basal water pressure. In this approach, periodic boundary conditions are imposed on the side of the modelled domain. Then, for a given imposed water pressure, the meso-scale quantities are obtained by integrating the corresponding quantities over the bedrock.

All the meso-scale modelling will be performed using Elmer/Ice and will consist in the three main improvements:
 1. Accounting for short-term variation of water pressure in cavities
 2. Accounting for realistic bump geometry
 3. Accounting for solid friction at the interface ice-rock

Marine Jambeau_OSUG
The modelling at the scale of the glacier will be conducted using the finite-element model Elmer/Ice.To avoid imposing complex and unphysical boundary conditions the entire Argentière Glacier (in average about 5 km long by 2 km wide) will be modelled, although only the instrumented area (about 1 by 1 km long) will have a very refined mesh allowing proper representation of the involved processes. The modelling phases will be as follow:
 1. Initializing the Argentière Glacier geometry
 2. Calibrating the hydrology model
 3. Testing friction laws at high temporal variations of basal water pressure conditions
 4. Testing friction laws under varying basal shear stress conditions